Live Plants, Mosstok Pole, Single
Mosstok Pole is a great plant for a larger vivarium as they can stand approx. 60cm tall.
The Mosstok Pole is a climbing plant that has broad leaves providing cover and humid pockets for arboreal and terrestrial species.
Suitable for a bioactive set up, when used in conjunction with HabiStat Jungle Bio and Amazon Clay Balls.
Ideal for natural vivarium displays in larger vivariums
Creates cover for both arboreal and terrestrial species
- Stand alone plant for your reptile room or living space
Environment: Rainforest, Forest and Jungle
Plant Care
Watering: These plants like to be constantly moist but not standing in water. Once the top 1-2" of soil is dry the plant needs watering, keep the moss pole moist to encourage leaf growth. Do not over water. Benefits from occasional misting, 1-2 times a week
Humidity: Likes above average to high humidity. Mist leaves a few times a week or use a humidifier.
Temperature: 18-28°c
Lighting: Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED Bar. Avoid full sunlight.