Arcadia Earth Pro Calcium Pro Mg
Arcadia Reptile EarthPro CalciumPro-Mg is a veterinary advised blend of Calcium and Magnesium which is essential for optimal health.
EarthPro-CalciumPro-Mg has been developed to be used safely in place of sole sources of Calcium. By changing your feeding cycle to include a balanced inclusion of magnesium you will help to ensure strong, firm bones, thus helping in our fight to ‘Eliminate MBD’.
Magnesium is essential to life and up until now it has been largely missing from the dietary provision of many captive exotics. Magnesium works as a critical agent with biological enzymes to aid mineral assimilation, regulate nerve and muscle function, protein synthesis, blood pressure, blood glucose levels and plays a very useful role within the digestive system. CalciumPro-Mg is a 9:1 CaCo3-MgCo3 mix. The blend of calcium and magnesium is essential for natural assimilation, storage and use of calcium and contains bio-available magnesium.
Suitable for Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, Chameleons, Tortoises, Turtles & Terrapins, Corn Snakes, Tree Frogs, Crested Gecko, Royal Python and Live Food.
Available two pack sizes: 80g and 450g.
- Easy to use supplement
- Increases calcium and magnesium levels
- Helps to ensure strong bones and optimal health
- Made in Britain